Many people experience anxiety at some point in their life. Certain situations – public speaking, being interviewed or engaging in conversation with a superior at work, a new acquaintance or a potential partner – have a near universal tendency to cause temporary, distressing feelings. For some individuals, anxiety, whether triggered by a particular event or any number of commonplace occurrences, can be long-lasting and debilitating.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is term which encompasses a wide range of emotional and physical responses to thoughts and stimuli. This can include phobias, panic attacks, compulsions, and nervous breakdowns. The feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an upcoming event or with an uncertain outcome is common among those suffering with anxiety. For some, anxiety can pinpointed to something specific and therefore avoided, like using public transportation. Others can suffer from something more general and intense, such as a social anxiety disorder resulting in tension, distress and a closing-off of their true character whenever they find themselves in a situation which demands daily interaction with others. Regardless of whether you wish to stop the feeling of unease because it interferes with a daily event or because it is all-consuming, mental health counseling can help!

Counseling for patients suffering from anxiety

Those dealing with the effects of anxiety are best aided by the qualified support a therapeutic counselor or psychologist can provide. Our licensed counselors are well-suited to help you regain – or attain for the first time – a sense of normalcy, calmness, focus and well being, even when exposed to events which, previously, were triggers for anxious sensations. A counselor is trained to listen to and assimilate your thoughts and worries, to navigate with you through the terrain of your emotional landscape and to clarify and resolve both the root causes of the anxiety, and to teach you how recognize and respond, rather than react to anxiety-inducing situations in the future.

Mental health counseling can address many facets of anxiety. A counselor can help you identify and change your perspective about most common anxieties. Counseling can aid your understanding the physical and emotional processes which take place during panic attacks or episodes of anxiety. People that suffer from anxiety can be taught to recognize and manage panic attacks, reducing severity, duration and incapacitating effects. A licensed counselor can help people confront what frightens them and learn to face fears without panicking. This can help you see your relationships in a wider scope, uncovering possible conflicts and resentments that can lead to anxiety. Often, those with anxiety disorders may feel afraid to speak about their circumstance with friends, partners, or even family. Seeing a therapist that practices counseling allows you to discuss what you are going through openly with another individual, with no concern about a breach of confidentiality.

Counseling is not a “quick-fix”, or a drug-based method of resolving anxiety. Our licensed counselor are qualified to utilize appropriate and therapeutic techniques, but the end-goal is always to help you understand what is happening, why it is happening and how to change it, reducing or eliminating the detrimental effects of anxiety on your personal wellbeing, and to regain the ability to function in daily life.

About the Author admin

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